Watts Martin

I’m a consulting technical writer working remotely from Tampa Bay, Florida.

Résumé (PDF)

Technical writing examples

I wrote, rewrote, or extensively edited all of this documentation. Note that while RethinkDB documentation has mostly remained static, Bixby documentation appears likely to change in the future, given reports of a pivot to a new LLM-driven Bixby revamp planned for 2025. I have added Wayback Machine links to relevant pages, indicated by “[Archive]”; if I catch an old page radically changing, I will remove the old link entirely and make an annotation.

These are just representative samples. I wrote or edited most of RethinkDB’s documen­tation, as I was the sole tech writer at the company; I was part of a three-person team at Samsung, and wrote a substantial portion of Bixby’s, particularly with respect to APIs and the proprietary development environment.

Developer Guides

API documentation

Other work